Important Contacts
Block Watch Board & Captains
Police, Fire, Medical Emergency: 9-1-1
Police Non-Emergency (Crime Stop): 602.262.6151
Our Community Action Officers (CAO'S):
Have an address when reporting a site.

Phone: 602-262-7441
TTY: 602-495-5810
City of Phoenix, Council Office, District 3
200 W. Washington St., 11th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Jeff Tisot - President & Captain:
Diana, Alice 602.545.2472 -
Andrea "Andy" Sobczak - Secretary & Captain:
Orchid Ln 602-826-5596 -
Chelsey McCluskey - Treasurer & Captain:
Ruth 602-748-5680
Julia Sayre - Seldon, 8th St to cul-de-sac / 602.309.9925
Vicente & Leticia Garcia - El Camino, 10th St - 12th St / 602.295.3499
Debbie Sosa - Las Palmaritas, 12th St to Mtn / 602.330.1835
Cheryl Hallman - Orchid Ln, 10th St to 12th St / 602.413.3333
Robert Anderson - Captain * 8th—10th St El Caminito / 602-321-4360
Natalie Calahan—Captain * Harmont 13th—14th St / 602.653.7301
Joe O'Hagan - Captain * Orchid Lane 10th -12th St / 602-377-2036

Phone: 602-262-7491
City of Phoenix, Council Office, District 6
200 W. Washington St., 11th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003

KRISTA ROY, Neighborhood Services Specialist
Desk: 602-495-0380
Cell: 602-350-4757
City of Phoenix Streets Department -
Report Potholes & Road Issues: 602.262.6441
Accelerated Pavement Maintenance Program: 602.262.6284
Interactive site with maps & schedules:

Click on the PDF file to print a copy of the
Hang in your windows and on alley facing walls.
Bulk Trash Changes 2024
** Click **
211AZ: Over 8500 State & Local Resources
- Phoenix At Your Service (everything from trash, water leaks, assistance)
Include site/address, a description of number
of people, animals, debris, etc.
You can include photos online.

Is a voluntary program in which stored video from your security cameras is accessed, with your permission,
by the Phoenix Police to investigate crimes. There is no live feed access.
Once registered, the Police will contact you to request footage for any ongoing investigations in your area.
To register: www.Phoenix.gov/Police/VirtualBlockWatch or click HERE

Fill out the attached form,
with a photo of bike and
registration number and send to Joe Kapla
Click HERE for form
Joe Kapla, Community Action Squad
Desert Horizon Police Precinct
Precinct Phone: 602-495-5006
Cell Phone: 602-486-2313
Desk Phone: 602-495-5634

Wondering what and how to RECYCLE?
Click HERE to City of Phoenix Recycling information and webinars.
Click logo above to go to RECYCLE+ website.

Neighborhood Services to the rescue!

Need Home Repairs? Don't have the $$?
The Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program (OOHRP) provides financial assistance to eligible low
and moderate income homeowners citywide for emergency home repairs and/or to address health and/or
safety hazards. The program may also address non-emergency home repairs to stabilize critical home systems
such as electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and roof systems. The assistance is the form of a zero percent (0%)
interest, forgivable loan and is secured by a lien on the primary residential property.
For more information, see program fact sheet.
English factsheet Spanish factsheet
Weatherization Assistance Program
The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) provides financial assistance to eligible low and moderate income residents for
improving a home's energy efficiency. This program provides for repair or replacement of existing building components and improvements to reduce energy consumption. After an application is received and eligibility is established, a third party vendor will conduct an energy assessment of the home or rental unit. The auditor will determine the improvements that will be covered by the program.
For more information, see program fact sheet:
English factsheet Spanish factsheet