Our aim is to work with residents, businesses, police, and city officials to create an active, involved community.
We are neighbors working together to create an area of reduced crime in which both families and businesses will be safe and flourish.
At the same time, positively improving the perception of the entire Sunnyslope community.
We are the largest Neighborhood Association in the city of Phoenix, and one of the most active.
A registered 501(c)(3) organization.
Join us to make a difference!
Block Watches come in all sizes.
They can be a few houses in a
cul-de-sac, to a whole square
mile, or more. (Ours is “more”, as
we are the largest in the valley.)
They help sustain a “sense of community” and strengthen and sustain neighborhoods by bringing residents/neighbors (renters and owners alike), together with a common interest.
Every Block Watch starts with one person and their concern for the safety and well-being of themselves and their families. Their motivation may be to meet or get to know their neighbors, to protect their children, to keep property values up by eliminating blight and graffiti, to stop speeding on the streets by installing speed humps, to having peace of mind by discouraging barking dogs and loud parties, plus to be safe from crimes like burglary, theft and assault.
We all want to live in a safe and secure environment. Our homes should be safe havens. By rights there should be several layers of protection from the national level, to state and city governments like our Police and Fire Departments, Sanitation and more. A Block Watch is your most immediate, up-close-and-personal level of protection for your neighborhood.
If interested in finding out more about the one in your neighborhood, come to one of our meetings. Usually the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM at the North Village Baptist Church, 1010 East Alice.

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